Horticulture – Water and Nutrients
Jan 07 2024

Growers can improve their water and nutrients efficiency with a range of tools and strategies, such as:
- Innovative irrigation system design
- Crop and soil sensor technology
- Satellite imagery
- Misting
- Drip irrigation and fertigation
- Precision agriculture technology
- Visualisation software
- Decision support tools for water and nutrient management
Existing and emerging technologies offer growers a wide variety of opportunities to make their water and nutrient systems more efficient and effective. For example:
- Satellite imagery services and drone mounted sensors are an affordable, rapid analytical tool that can capture a wide range of valuable sensor data including Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and spectral reflectance, weather conditions, soil and nutrient conditions, and the water and nutrient needs of your crop.
- Remote Sensors can capture in-field variations in water and nutrient requirements, and then communicate those needs to your irrigation and fertiliser systems.
- Laser levelling allows your to adjust your farm layout and increase efficiency.
- Data Visualisation Software provides an accurate understanding of water use, crop needs, and trading opportunities.
- Digital decision support tools can improve irrigation scheduling, increase water uptake, and reduce evaporation losses.
- Fertigation permits more flexible scheduling of fertiliser application, allowing growers to deliver nutrients to plants on a needs-only basis, reducing cost and nutrient loss from leaching.
Posted in Focus Areas
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