There are a variety of AgTech tools available that allow growers to correctly identify pests, diagnose disease symptoms, and continuously monitor the health of their crops. Tools ranging from sensors and cameras equipped with diagnostic technology, machine learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) can be used to prepare Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies.

The integration of key data from pest and disease management tools forms part of Whole Farm Management Software and aids key decision-making and planning throughout the year, such as crop selection, rotation and understanding conditions conducive to pest and disease pressure.

The key steps to successful Integrated Pest Management are:

  1. Identify and monitor disease
  2. Assess economic damage
  3. Implement IPM strategy
  4. Evaluate success of IPM strategy

There are a number of technologies in this area that improve the accuracy and precision of each of these steps:

Discover Pest and Disease Management solutions for Broadacre.

Discover Pest and Disease Management solutions for Horticulture.

Discover Pest and Disease Management for Livestock.