There are wide range of AgTech solutions that enable broadacre farmers to combine on-farm data with precision agriculture technologies and make planting and harvesting operations a valuable part of improving productivity and sustainability.

Whether you require minor upgrades to your existing equipment – including guidance – or decide to fully customise and automate your processes, there is a solution suitable for you. It is important to consider whether you need both management tools (which will inform your decisions around timing, volume, and planting/harvesting method) and complimentary machinery and infrastructure.

Knowledge of crop yield and quality, and (most importantly) where from the field or orchard that yield or quality emanated from, is the heart of precision agriculture. It sits at the core of targeted crop management decisions and even facilitates selective harvesting technologies including autonomous harvesting systems.

At the same time, it underpins prescription farming (application of the right inputs- including fertiliser, gypsum and lime) at the right time and in the right place to achieve yield and quality targets.