Innovations in processing within Australia’s livestock sector offer significant benefits to the profitability and sustainability of our supply chains.

Processing and value adding technologies enable animal-based produce to be collected, processed, stored and transported efficiently and safely, and at the end of the day, deliver maximum value to the end consumer.

New collection and harvesting technologies, ranging from digitally connected shearing processes to fully automated robotic dairy operations, offer producers an exciting opportunity to make their business more efficient, safe, and productive. 

For meat-based animal processing, improved digital technologies are now emerging which ensure meat quality and whole-animal yields are optimised. These are often closely connected to supply chain and provenance solutions that ensure meat is stored, distributed and consumed in safe and transparent ways.

These innovations will work to ensure that the outputs of our animal production systems may be delivered to consumers both locally and globally in ways that continue to build Australia’s national reputation for safe, sustainable and high-quality produce.

The specifications and requirements of processing will vary substantially from industry to industry, so be sure to check that the solutions you are interested in will meet the needs of your enterprise prior to purchase.