Weather Index Solutions Pty Ltd
Weather derivatives and parametric weather index insurance designed and implemented on behalf of buyers.
We are uniquely qualified to structure and execute protection against the financial impact of climate change and adverse weather. From large agribusiness, construction, energy and mining companies to individual farmers, our connection to global weather markets and product development experience is unparalleled in Australia.
Straightforward rainfall and temperature protection for single cropping seasons, multi-year risk sharing arrangements to geographically and temporally spread yield, irrigation, drought and flood protection, contracts are precisely tailored to risk and budget.
For over 20 years the same weather underwriters have provided transparent and dependable protection against earnings reductions due to abnormal or unexpected weather. These same carriers are now willing and able to support contracts previously viewed as too small. Claims are settled promptly and based on objective meteorological data. Weather Index Solutions can help you #weatherrisktransfer.
Weather Index Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 35 003 714 118) is an Authorised Representative, AR No. 1275436 of Weather Risk Management Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 60 003 720 705), AFS Lic. 233798