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CSBP DecipherAg provides growers and their advisors with the data, knowledge and tools to identify and address crop variability in order to help manage nutrition to grow your productivity.

With the ability to import your own sampling results, yield data, and farm boundaries, DecipherAg’s zoning tool and nutritional insights provides a straightforward way to get started on your precision agriculture journey.

DecipherAg Mobile is DecipherAg’s companion app. Formerly known as DecipherGo, DecipherAg Mobile is primarily a sampling tool. It allows geo-referenced soil and plant sampling jobs to be collected and submitted to the CSBP laboratory. The results are seamlessly transferred to DecipherAg to view, interpret and manage.

DecipherAg and DecipherAg Mobile provide a continuous geo-referencing process for soil and plant sampling that allows you to easily plan and assign sampling jobs, collect samples, submit to CSBP Lab and manage your results.

With DecipherAg you can:

  • Map your farm or import existing farm maps
  • View three types of high definition satellite biomass imagery allowing you to track plant growth, and identify issues or seasonal impacts quickly
  • Produce management zones based on biomass or yield data and create prescription maps to precisely apply nutrients and amelioration applications
  • Make and manage crop and nutrition plans for each paddock of your farm
  • Create and manage sample sites
  • Plan soil and plant sample jobs using the automated site suggestion tool or by selecting existing sites
  • Geolocate, collect and submit samples to the Lab using the free DecipherAg Mobile app
  • Easily store and access your secure sample data
  • Visualise the results and track trends on the DecipherAg map.

With DecipherAg Mobile you can:

  • View all your current assigned sampling jobs on the map
  • Start sampling jobs assigned to you from the DecipherAg web platform
  • Navigate to the geolocated sampling sites using GPS
  • View the boundaries for sampling jobs assigned to you
  • Track progress on your current sampling jobs
  • Process and submit sampling jobs whether you’re online or offline
  • View and process your sampling jobs on multiple devices
  • Create new sampling jobs
  • Add photos to sampling jobs
  • Use the scouting feature to take photos, comment on them and categorise them for viewing by authorised users on the DecipherAg web platform