EnviroSCAN Soil Moisture Probe
The award winning EnviroSCAN probe is the flagship product of Sentek. It provides the user with great flexibility for precision monitoring of water and salinity at multiple depths in a soil profile. The EnviroSCAN probe is widely used in all forms of agriculture (irrigated and dryland), environmental applications, research and education, as well as turf, parks and gardens. EnviroSCAN is the only commercially available product that allows for monitoring to great depths (up to 40 metres) using the same profiling probe.
Features of the probe include:
- Multiple sensors with adjustable depth placement (at 10cm increments)
- Monitoring from shallow depths (10cm) to deep installations (up to 40 metres)
- Tailor made probe lengths, customised to suit the application (50cm to 40 metres)
- Full serviceability
- Flexible connectivity options
- Soil specific calibrations can be applied to individual sensors