Farm Soil Carbon Offset Report
We’ve had growing interest from farmers wanting more information about their ability to generate soil carbon credits and enter these markets before they engage a project developer. In response to this, we’ve put together an independent, fee-for-service report to give Farmers and Land Managers information about soil carbon offset generation.
In order to help provide objective information, we bring together a number of specialist technologies, and a network of independent sources, from entities like CSIRO and Cibo Labs, to offer a tailored and independent report on soil carbon potential for a farm, as well as information on what carbon credit market opportunities exist.
How it works in 3 steps:
Step 1. We analyse your property We start by mapping your farm boundaries, this helps us determine your pasture coverage and woody areas (with help from our partners at Cibo Labs). We use this to generate a detailed report on the historical ground cover to help you assess where you’re at today.
Step 2. We calculate your potential Using the latest data from CSIRO, we help you calculate your potential to increase soil carbon for your operation, in your region. We help you understand your limitations too, including climate risks and soil constraints.
Step 3. You get an understanding of the current private and public market opportunities We provide you with a comprehensive overview of the market opportunities that exist for the sale of your credits. This includes an overview of the methods available to generate soil carbon credits under the Australian Clean Energy Regulator, as well as other established international methods and markets.
For more information, visit https://www.farmlab.com.au/farm-scor-info