The Hay Bale Monitoring System consists of number of Lyras sensors reporting to a BLE gateway device (Polaris or Antares).

The Lyra sensors are inserted into a representative number of hay bales during storage. These sensors monitoring the temperature inside the bale and in the event of a temperature rise, the system generates an alert. In the event of likely hay degradation or combustion risk, appropriate action can be taken (selling, accelerating usage or breaking apart the stack).

Data visualisation provided by INCYT Dashboard. Installation guide included.

Basic system includes:

  • 5 x Lyra BLE Beacons with sense
  • 1 x Polaris LTE-M Tracker with advanced sense
  • 1 x Daily temperature reporting

Advanced system includes:

  • 10 x Lyra BLE Beacons with sense
  • 1 x Antares LTE-M Gateway Higher frequency reporting

Satellite system includes:

  • 4 x Lyra BLE Beacons with sense
  • 1 x Andromeda satellite device Higher frequency reporting