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We’re an AI-powered platform using satellite imagery to support precision viticulture:

  • Hands off yield prediction using satellite imagery
  • 90-95% accuracy for all major Australian varieties
  • Soil moisture monitoring and predictions – soil soisture mapping for the entire vineyard and up to 1.5 metres depth, 2 week prediction
  • Dynamic irrigation – dynamic irrigation forecasting with volume and date variables
  • Vine health – track daily, weekly and monthly vegetation change (NDVI), 2 week prediction to see the impact of irrigation and fertiliser
  • Leaf moisture – track daily, weekly and monthly moisture change (NDWI), 2 week prediction to see the impact of irrigation
  • Vine geo-location – automatically geolocate and tag every vine in your vineyard, Building block for traceability
  • Season summary – make off-season adjustments for nutrients and variability, Historical visual summary from bud burst to vintage