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AGDATA Australia developed the Phoenix Farm Management products to integrate financial, production and payroll tools for broadacre farming, mixed farming and livestock graziers. Products are available in the cloud or directly to the desktop.

AGDATA Australia is based in Toowoomba, Queensland. They are well-known for their strong understanding of the industry that they serve.

AGDATA Australia offers its products via a subscription model that provides the user with:

Business hours telephone support

Video tutorials

Regular webinars

All updates as they occur

A backup facility to safely protect the data.

AGDATA Australia has a team of product trainers that visit regional centres frequently to conduct workshops and training. Few AgTech providers have the longevity and industry experience of AGDATA Australia, which is why they are a highly trusted software provider in Australia.

AGDATA Australia Products

Phoenix Payroll is a flexible STP compliant payroll system that is available in Financial Pro completing the full suite of financial products that you will need to manage your agricultural enterprises.
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To be of any actionable benefit, the weather data on that poster on your farm office wall will need to be manually entered into a program for analysis.
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Financial Lite is a transitional cashflow management solution that is ideal for those just entering the industry or on their way out of the industry. It is also ideal for farmers with very simple needs who wish to keep the accountant happy and very little else.
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Phoenix Cropping makes it easy to collect an extensive range of data that would have previously been almost impossible to collect using traditional methods.
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Power Budgets is a unique budget planning facility specially designed to simply and quickly plan for your future growth. Display many enterprise cash flow and production sheets on the screen simultaneously so you can plan each enterprise within your business individually and still see in real time the overall effect on your cash flow.
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If you are looking for a product that will give you detailed weight gain performance analysis across individual animals or mobs that is compatible with all electronic weighing and RFID devices - Phoenix Livestock has you covered with its extensive record management and reporting systems.
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Phoenix Financial is a farm financial management tool that allows the farm business manager to not only address their ATO compliance responsibilities but most importantly provides a financial decision support system that integrates with production products from the Phoenix suite of products.
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Easily create your own property maps and add your own farm data such as paddock names, farm assets and landscape features so you can manage your resources effectively.
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The Pro level of the Phoenix Financial Management Suite is designed for the analytical producer who has sophisticated and complex business needs.
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