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Evvos is active in precision agriculture and environmental monitoring – pressure, temperature, humidity, precipitation, soil moisture, wind speed and direction, fluid levels and many more. In addition, Evvos helps utilities companies monitor their water supply network. Evvos designs and develops hardware and software for sensor data acquisition. Our battery-powered wireless data transmitters are capable of connecting any sensor with a pulse, voltage, current or SDI-12 output. Sensor data can be integrated with your applications or platform using EvvosO Cloud Integration Services (CIS) application. For more information, please, refer to our online catalogue Sensor Solutions for Agriculture – https://www.evvos.com/sensor-catalog/


EVVOS Products

Water usage, soil moisture and temperature, and electrical conductivity are critical factors that every farmer should consider. With all the pressure to get started planting, spraying, irrigating and increasing yields, it is important to take the time to ensure you are setting your crop up for success.
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Evvos Weather Station EWS-4 relative humidity, temperature and barometric pressure sensor with a solar radiation shield rain gauge wind speed and wind direction sensor silicon-cell pyranometer and more.
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