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Schedule-It specializes in holistic agricultural irrigation scheduling and industry leading software and services. Our system is based on agronomic principals, is cloud based, remote and supported by specialists in various fields of agricultural sciences, IT and hardware technologies. Our irrigation scheduling platform is supported by most manufacturers of soil moisture probes and related hardware which we are able to supply and install. Schedule-it helps our clients maximize production yields by ensuring optimal water usage.


Schedule-It (Pty) Ltd Products

Our Irrigation scheduling platform, IrriCheck Pulse™ offers reliable, scientific and technically sound live irrigation recommendations in mm, cubes or hours, 7 days in advance and more.
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Our horticultural irrigation scheduling package gives growers the most accurate and comprehensive unit for trees and vineyards that includes soil moisture monitoring probe, canopy sensors , inline flow and EC monitoring.
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The broadacre irrigation scheduling solution offers farms with all irrigation methods the most accurate and complete irrigation scheduling package for broadacre cropping.
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Our soil moisture solution includes a soil moisture probe and connectivity solution for broadacre and horticultural farming.
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