CattleLink is user-friendly software designed for the management of Beef Cattle Herds. It stores and records details of animals at an individual level, assisting with herd-management, breeding and assessment of cattle performance. The Farmer Friendly Program which has all the features required for Full Herd Management recording. CattleLink is designed and built by beef producers. It will assist you with your Breeding Programs, recording joinings, including AI or ET. It will assist you with your LPA & EU requirements.
As well as recording animal treatments, etc, including batch details, expiry dates, etc Animal Performance with the ability to also compare animals, progeny, dams & sires with their weights, daily weight gains and traits. CattleLink is compatible with BreedPlan and the Breed Societies for calf registration, EBVOs, etc. CattleLink will allow you to import your Scale or NLIS Tag Reader data to reduce typing. Tag Readers can also be used online. New animals can also be created from either Scales or Tag reader data.
Basic Paddock information can be stored in the Paddock section of CattleLink. A scanned document sections allow you to store and setup a basic library of your scanned documents such as Vendor Declaration forms, Feed Declaration Forms, Breed Society registration documents, etc. CattleLink can be setup on 2 PCOs/Laptops and database sharing between the two.