CattleLink is user-friendly software designed for management of Australian beef cattle herds. It stores and records details of animals at an individual level, assisting with herd-management, breeding and assessment of cattle performance.
CattleLink was designed and built by beef producers. It has a practical design reflecting what happens in the paddock and not in a textbook. CattleLink can be operated with minimal typing and computer skills. Versions are available for both the Stud Seed-Stock producer and also for the Commercial operation.
CattleLink is compatible with:
- BreedPlan
- Breed Societies
- Tag Readers and Scales.
CattleLink can assist with your LPA, QA requirements and record all necessary data, from chemical inventory, batch details to ESI/WHP for each animal or mobs. Animal Joining, AI or ET including embryo program details can all be recorded. Paddock details and also a document register is included.
One-off pricing and only optional yearly subscription if desired.
Should you require any further information contact HerdLink (02) 4654 5975 or www.herdlink.com.au